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Reparative Injections

Prolotherapy (dextrose injections), and PRP (platelet rich plasma) help repair injured ligaments, tendons, and cartilage in just about any joint in the body. 

For more information visit my website:


Reparative injections trick the body by making an old injury look like a new injury. This reboots the healing response. If dextrose prolotherapy is insufficient, PRP injections might be the next step. PRP takes advantage of a natural pharmacy in your bloodstream! Platelets are a fantastic medicine in your blood, filled with growth factors that are essential to repair injured tissues. The growth factors in platelets stimulate tissue repair. PRP therapy requires taking a small blood sample. The blood is placed in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma from the other components of whole blood. The PRP is injected into the site of the injury.  Ultrasound guidance improves the injection accuracy but is not always necessary.  

Conditions commonly treated with prolotherapy therapy and PRP include tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, shoulder pain and rotator cuff injuries, knee pain and knee osteoarthritis, and Achilles tendon pain. PRP may help for just about any tendon or ligament injury, except complete tears.

Bio-identical Hormones

Dr. Mora has been safely prescribing bio-identical hormones for 20 years. Low hormone levels are best replaced using naturally occurring hormones, not synthetic hormones. It is best to replace all the hormones that are deficient, for example both estrogen and progesterone in women. Some women also need DHEA and testosterone. These hormones are available in creams, gels, patches, oral formulations, injections, and hormone pellets. Estradiol and testosterone pellets are an alternative when other methods prove unsatisfactory.  The pellets are placed under the skin and deliver a constant amount of hormone for 3-4 months. Thyroid hormones include T3 and T4. Some people on thyroid replacement feel better taking both T3 and T4, and not just T4 (e.g. L-thyroxine).

Hidden Infections

Hidden infections are infections within the body that are not immediately obvious. Symptoms of hidden infections may be subtle or severe. They include low grade fever, night sweats, fatigue, swollen glands, joint pain, muscle pain, brain fog, insomnia, depression or anxiety. Examples include Hepatitis C, dental infections, Lyme disease and Babesiosis. Many people with Lyme or Babesia infections are unaware that they were bitten by a small tick, the size of a poppy seed. Dr. Mora was ILADS-trained by Dr. Richard Horowitz, M.D., author of "Why Can't I Get Better?"


We live in a toxic world. Toxins include heavy metals, PCB's, dioxins, pesticides, mold toxins, and plastics. We are exposed by drinking tap water, eating food which is not organic, and by eating fish high in mercury. The first rule of treatment is avoid exposure to toxins as much as possible. The second rule is remove the toxins safely. Ways to remove toxins include taking intestinal binders (e.g. charcoal, chlorella, citrus pectin, etc.), doing chelation therapy (e.g. EDTA, DMSA, etc), taking certain vitamins and supplements that promote liver and kidney clearance of toxins (e.g. phosphatidyl choline, glutathione precursors, etc.). and promoting sweating (e.g. far infrared sauna).


Mind-Body Medicine

Negative thoughts are impediments to healing. Thinking positively helps the body's natural healing tendency. I recommend using affirmations, which are positive statements that one says quietly or outloud, or that you can write down on paper. A more advanced form of affirmation therapy that I use is called Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). EFT helps clear emotional issues triggering illness, it helps reduce food cravings, it reduces pain, and it helps clear emotional scars.  EFT is a psychological version of acupuncture which reprograms the nervous system, except you don't need needles. You can learn the basics of EFT at


Ancestral low-glycemic plant-based Rainbow Diet

Hippocrates said "let food be thy medicine" and Moses Mamoinides said "Any disease that can be treated by diet alone should be treated no other way". A plant-based diet, like the ones our ancestors ate, is almost a guarantee for a long healthy life. In contrast, a "fast food" diet creates inflammation and speeds up the aging process. Fast food takes you on the road to doctors' visits and prescription drugs for high blood pressure and diabetes. With a fast food diet, you can literally dig your grave with a fork. Diabetes is a "foot and fork"disease (exercise is also a big predictor of life expectancy). Diet must be individualized but for everyone, meat eaters or vegetarians, I recommend that the food you eat include all the colors of the rainbow (e.g. berries, leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, legumes, whole brown grains, tomatoes, carrots, yams, squashes, green tea, etc.). Cut out the sugar, crackers, snack foods, bread, french fries and pastries! Leave milk for baby cows. Eat cheese as a condiment, if you need to. Eat fermented foods like natto, sauerkraut, kimchi, and plain yogurt. And eat organic when possible. Some people need to be gluten-free (non-celiac gluten sensitivity is a real thing!). Others need to be dairy-free. Food sensitivities are more common than you think!!!


Let food be your medicine!

Follow some simple rules for a healthier and longer life:

1. Eat fewer calories by eating healthier foods, not by eating less food!

2. Eat more vegetables than fruit. Eat all the colors of the rainbow.

3. Eat cooked whole grains, and not breads, white rice, sugar, french fries or cereal in the box.

4. Don't skip breakfast! It is your most important meal. Start off the day right!

5. Drink enough water. Avoid soft drinks even diet sodas. Some people eat food when they are thirsty rather than hungry.

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